About us
This website is a place to explore the things that make Kingfisher Lake a unique place. Our hope is that it will benefit young people seeking to learn more about their language and history.
Most of the projects showcased here are undertaken by the Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh (at the Mission House) in partnership with Kingfisher Lake First Nation. If you have any ideas about promoting the local language, culture and history, or feel that something should be different on the website, please contact us at the mission house.
We’d also like to thank the many community members who are featured on this website for sharing their knowledge. The website was developed with funding from the National Indian Brotherhood. The content on this site is intended for educational purposes only, and was created with funding from Heritage Canada, Wycliffe Canada, the National Indian Brotherhood Trust Fund, the Anglican Church of Canada, and Library and Archives Canada.
– Sincerely, the ISMM Translation Office
The views expressed in the material on this website do not necessarily reflect those of the NIB Trust Fund, Heritage Canada, or other funding bodies.